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Thursday, May 24th 2018, 10:49am

By Slotegrator

Slotegrator casino software

The Slotegrator company is a vendor and software developer for online casinos. Since 2012, our company has been working to develop client's business, making it as profitable and effective as possible. We are those who help to kick-start successful projects, providing our customers with quality casino games and turnkey solutions, reliable developers, and expert support.

Our mission is to create new leaders of the iGaming industry.

Licensed software
We integrate only proven games we can account for. Slotegrator is proud to cooperate with such industry leaders as Microgaming, GameArt and Endorphina which develop exclusive slots to meet any customer's wishes.

Integrate everything at once
With a unified API protocol, it is possible to add games to the online casino within just one session by a minimal time. We guarantee 100% security, around-the-clock support, together with wide currency conversion.

Online gambling Academy
Slotegrator Academy makes its members become experts in the market. In our materials there, we analyze statistics, share experiences, explore promising developments and technologies, and assist you to freely navigate the sphere of iGaming.